Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chiropractors and Naturopaths - Are They Dangerous?

    Should You Avoid Seeing A Chiropractor?      

"Someone you trust referred you to one of these crazy chiropractors to help you with your pain.  Your medical doctor never recommended a chiropractor so it must not help.  You're scared to go, but taking all those pills you heard was bad for your liver and kidneys.  Plus you hated the way the drugs made you feel.  When you met the chiropractor, you were amazed that he or she didn't dress up like a witch doctor and that your DC was actually able to help you.  Then your chiropractor taught you some stretching and strengthening exercises along with great information about what foods to avoid, what foods could help you and what supplements could support your health.  Overall, it was such a good experience, that next time you have a health problem, you will consider going back to your chiropractor."
This is exactly what the AMA does not want.  You don't believe me?  Take the time to read this article and then you decide if medical doctors have historically wanted you, the consumer,  to seek natural, alternative therapies to help you.  - DMS

Not everything you hear is true.  This article by Dr. Mercola I hope will open your eyes to the war on Chiropractic.

Story at-a-glance

  • The medical profession has a long history of opposing alternative healing professions. The rules of engagement have changed; as the AMA is finding new “legal” ways to discredit and limit practitioners of natural medicine
  • Alternative healthcare professionals such as chiropractors, naturopaths, and midwives have been targeted by the American Medical Association (AMA) for nearly a century, in spite of a federal court injunction against the AMA in 1987 for illegally trying to create a monopoly in the healthcare market
  • Other medical associations have joined forces to manipulate the public into believing natural medicine is quackery by spreading propaganda and mistruths

By Dr. Mercola
The medical profession has a long history of opposing alternative healing professions.
While always claiming public safety as its reason for the attacks, the true reasons often involve protecting their monopoly of the healthcare market.
Medicine's opposition to chiropractic was its strongest under the leadership of Morris Fishbein, Secretary of the American Medical Association from 1924 to 1949, who led a 50-year anti-chiropractic campaign in both professional publications and the public media.

Historical Antitrust Lawsuits Against Medical Societies

In 1975 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of Goldfarb vs. the Virginia State Bar, that learned professions are not exempt from antitrust suits.
In 1982 the Court ruled that the FTC could enforce antitrust laws against medical societies.
These two suits paved the way for five chiropractors to file an anti-trust suit against the American Medical Association (AMA) and several other heath care agencies and societies in Federal District Court (known as the Wilkes Case).
Judge Susan Getzendanner found the AMA and others guilty of an illegal conspiracy against the chiropractic profession in September of 1987, ordering a permanent injunction against the AMA and forcing them to print the court's findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Even with success of the Wilkes Case and other anti-trust litigation, the AMA continues to this day to wage a campaign against chiropractic.
The American Medical Association (AMA) has maintained a decades-long battle against "alternative" healing traditions, dating back to the 1920s and arguably even earlier. The courts eventually ruled in favor of the chiropractors in 1987, finding the AMA guilty of a conspiracy to take down the chiropractic profession, as the above article recounts in detail.
But was this the end of it? Has the AMA resigned itself to the fact that chiropractic, as well as other forms of natural medicine, are here to stay? Not a chance.

The AMA's Bedfellows

Even with the success of the Wilkes Case, the AMA has continued to wage war against natural medicine for the past 20 years—but in more covert ways. It's the "Cold War" phase of this battle, but every bit as fierce. And now the AMA has rallied up a few significant allies, including:
  • The American Dental Association (ADA)
  • The American Cancer Society (ACS)
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and
  • The American Psychiatric Association (APA)
… not to mention governmental regulatory agencies; all willing to march toward a common goal—a monopoly on medical care in this country. Together, they form a formidable lobbying force that controls just about every regulatory and legislative body in America. The truth is that chiropractic, naturopathic, and osteopathic medicine have PROVEN to be medically effective and cost effective for the patient, and the AMA can't stomach this, viewing natural medicine as a huge threat to their bottom line.

Federal Courts Rule AMA "Guilty as Charged"

In 1987, the federal courts found the AMA and several other medical groups guilty of seeking to create a healthcare monopoly. Specifically, they were found guilty of the following actions (published in the January 1988 issue of JAMA):
  1. Systematic defamation of naturopathic, chiropractic, and osteopathic physicians
  2. Publishing and distribution of propaganda specifically intended to ruin other healthcare professionals' reputations
  3. Forcing MDs to refuse collaboration with naturopathic, chiropractic, and osteopathic physicians in the co-management of patients
  4. Denying hospital access to naturopathic, chiropractic, and osteopathic physicians
The attack on osteopathic medicine has largely faded away since then, but chiropractic and naturopathic practitioners, as well as other legitimate natural medicine practitioners, continue to be the targets of suppression and misrepresentation. The war isn't over, but the rules of engagement have changed.

AMA Declares New War on Natural Medicine in 2006

In 2006, the AMA declared war on natural medicine by publicly stating on its website its intention to forcibly oppose licensure and practice of naturopathic physicians. Although they quickly removed this from their site, the following is a direct quote from that post, according to Naturopathy Digest:
"RESOLVED, That our American Medical Association work through its Board of Trustees to outline a policy opposing the licensure of naturopaths to practice medicine and report this policy to the House of Delegates no later than the 2006 Interim Meeting. (Directive to Take Action) Fiscal Note: Implement accordingly at estimated staff cost of $10,836."
Translation: Eliminate the competition.
According to The Integrator Blog, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) joined the battle with a statement that their goal was to "thwart the growing threat of expansion of scope of practice for allied health professionals" and included psychologists on the list of medical practitioners who needed to be "thwarted" (in addition to naturopaths, chiropractors, and midwives). The APA pledged their allegiance to the AMA in assisting them with "coordinating research to help medical specialty societies and state medical associations fight expansions in non-medical scope of practice, and improve information sharing among those groups."
Other medical associations have made similar pledges, such as the Minnesota Medical Association and the New York Academy of Family Physicians. They maintain that their position is based on concern for quality of care and patient safety, but the REAL agenda is just an attempt to destroy the competition.
As Chiropractor Louis Sportelli writes in his 2010 article in Dynamic Chiropractic:
"Just look around and you will see clear and compelling evidence that the long-standing war between the AMA and everyone else who does not come under the AMA umbrella is far from over. The names have changed, the venue has changed, but the intent has remained the same: to maintain monopolistic control over the delivery of health care."

Old Mission, New Tactics: AMA Learns How to Discriminate with Impunity

In 2010, the AMA House of Delegates introduced a resolution regarding scope of practice that contains limitations on who can be considered a legitimate physician, and who can medically diagnose. Specifically, the AMA's "Definition of a Physician" (H-405.969) contains the following language:
"The AMA affirms that a physician is an individual who has received a 'Doctor of Medicine' or a 'Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine' degree."
This is proof, without a doubt, that the AMA as well as individual state medical associations intend to continue doing everything they can to prevent you from accessing natural healthcare. Texas and Connecticut medical associations were the first to join the cause, and others will likely follow. Similarly, the AMA's "Comprehensive Physical Examination by Appropriate Practitioners" reads as follows:
"…the performance of comprehensive physical examinations to diagnose medical conditions [should be limited] to licensed MDs/DOs or those practitioners who are directly supervised by licensed MDs/DOs."

State Medical Associations Jumping on Board

In 2010, the Texas Medical Board of Examiners filed an action against the Texas Chiropractic Board of Examiners challenging the authority of DCs (Doctors of Chiropractic) to perform some of their medical procedures, and challenging their authority to diagnose. How can medical associations get away with such shenanigans now, when they were given such a clear message to back off in the injunction of 1987? After all, these are very similar tactics to what they were found guilty of back in 1987.
Well, according to Sportinelli, the AMA has learned some lessons about how to beat the law—loopholes that allow them to go on the attack while sidestepping "restraint of trade" or "illegal boycott" violations:
"It [AMA] now understands that government action is protected under the Constitution, as is action in petitioning the government. It can lawfully petition local, state and federal legislators and attempt to influence any legislation without fear of committing actionable restraint of trade or illegal boycott. (However, the AMA does seem to be getting dangerously close with its resolution regarding the "definition of a physician," in that it appears to involve hospital action without the intervention of government.)"
And what does one need in order to effectively influence the government? Money. This is something the AMA has—and piles of it. Sportinelli goes on to say that the medical industry is likely gearing up for a 50-state effort to put non-MD/DO physicians out of business. And this means fewer choices about your own medical care.

Profit Motives Cleverly Disguised as Concern for Your Health and Safety

According to Naturopathy Digest, the AMA and other medical groups justify their opposition to natural medicine on the basis of three areas of concern:
  1. Quality of patient care
  2. Patient safety
  3. Quality of education of medical practitioners
As the article so eloquently points out, none of these arguments holds up, and most are based on medical and pharmaceutical industry propaganda. If they were TRULY concerned about patient care and safety, they would not be targeting natural medicine, which has an incredibly low incidence of adverse consequences, but instead going after their own allopathic medical practices that are leaving a trail of death and destruction.
Drug "side effects", prescription errors, unnecessary surgeries, nosocomial infections, and hospital "errors" are a leading cause of death in the United States. In fact, one estimate is that allopathic medicine kills 493 American patients daily. The number of people who die each week as a result of medical treatments surpasses the number of deaths caused by the September 11th terrorist attacks.
Yes, each and every week!
Many of the drugs advertised in JAMA (the AMA's scientific journal) are the very same drugs that are killing tens of thousands of Americans each year. This massive funding of the AMA by drug companies is a blatant conflict of interest. If the AMA really cared about your safety, they'd be putting their substantial assets into overhauling the American healthcare system. The AMA is fond of lambasting the education and training of chiropractors, when in actuality, they should be more concerned about the educational qualifications of their own physicians. In their own publications, they have stated:
"Medical education is failing to prepare students adequately for their future practice… medical education is currently being held together with peanut butter and bubble gum."
At least four consecutive studies have documented that most MDs are incompetent when it comes to diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal problems, something at which chiropractors excel. Another example of an abysmal lack of education of Western physicians is in the area of diet and nutrition. The AMA itself has published research showing that dietary interventions should be used before drugs in the treatment of heart disease. Yet, medical students receive virtually NO training in nutrition. Naturopathic and chiropractic physicians, on the other hand, are usually well versed in the importance of nutrition and exercise.

It's Not Just the AMA

Perhaps it's time to take a real look at medical associations, and the concern that they may be doing more harm than good. For groups who claim to exist in order to protect your health, they inevitably end up sabotaging it. It isn't just the AMA. Other medical associations that claim to exist for the betterment of public health include the following:
  • American Dental Association (ADA): Continues to support the use of mercury fillings and demonizes biological dentists who oppose the use of mercury in dentistry; continues to support fluoridation, in spite of the evidence it does more harm than good.
  • American Cancer Society (ACS): This charity has close ties to the mammography industry, the cancer drug industry, and the pesticide industry; has rampant conflicts of interest; consistently promotes drugs and screening procedures while ignoring environmental causes of cancer.
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI): Has spent billions of taxpayer dollars promoting treatments while ignoring strategies for preventing cancer; abundant ties to the cancer drug industry (for more information, read Samuel Epstein's new book, National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society: Criminal Indifference to Cancer Prevention and Conflicts of Interest)
  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): Claiming to be protecting your children, the AAP is largely funded by vaccine manufacturers but refuses to disclose just how much money it gets from them; partners with Congress to protect pediatricians and drug companies from liability for vaccine injuries, while preventing you from getting truthful vaccine information.

Actions Speak Louder than Words

When someone's words differ from their actions, chances are that their actions more accurately reflect their values—and this is true for organizations, as well as individuals. Although medical associations claim to have your best interests at heart, their actions tell a different story. It's time to begin holding them accountable for their behavior and stop letting them hide behind the same old tired rhetoric.
You have a right to make your own choices about your healthcare, be it allopathic or naturopathic—whether you see an MD, an ND, or a DC should be YOUR decision and yours alone.

Dr. Mercola is the founder of the world’s most visited natural health web site, You can learn the hazardous side effects of OTC Remedies by getting a FREE copy of his latest special report The Dangers of Over the Counter Remedies by going to his Report Page.

David Salse, D.C. is a regionally recognized educator and CEO of SalseChiropractic and United Physicians Health Institute. With over 17 years experience working with and specializing in wellness care, he is recognized by many national and international corporations as  an authority in pain management using TENS technology.   He has personally treated over ten thousand auto accident patients and is experienced with depositions, jury trials, and medical report writing.  Dr. Salse is approved by the California State Board ofChiropractic Examiners (SBCE) as a licensed chiropractor with a specialty in Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA).  Learn more (626) 256-3422

Sunday, July 24, 2011

10 Painless Ways to Lose Weight

Easy weight loss tips you can slip into your everyday life.

Painless weight loss? If you're desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favorite high-calorie treats, it can seem like there's nothing pain-free about it.
Yet while eating healthier and slipping in exercise does take some work, it really doesn't have to require heroic effort. Making just a few simple lifestyle changes can pack a big weight loss punch over time.
 Here are their top tips on how to lose weight without sweating it too much.

1. Add, Don't Subtract

Forget diet denial: Try adding foods to your diet instead of subtracting them.
Add in healthy goodies you really love, like deep-red cherries, juicy grapes, or crunchy snow peas. Slip those favorite fruits into your bag lunch and breakfast cereal; add the veggies into soups, stews, and sauces.
"Adding in really works, taking away never does," says registered dietitian David Grotto, RD, LDN, author of 101 Optimal Life Foods, but do remember to keep an eye on overall calories. And don't forget to add in something physical, too, whether it's doing a few dance moves before dinner, shooting hoops, or taking a quick stroll.

2. Forget About Working Out

If the word "exercise" inspires you to creative avoidance, then avoid it. Maybe the trick to enjoying a workout may be to never call it working out.
"There's some truth to that," Grotto tells WebMD, and once you start your not-calling-it-exercise plan, Grotto says you'll discover "the way good health feels knocks down the roadblocks that were preventing you from exercising in the first place."
So burn calories and invigorate muscles by beachcombing, riding bikes, grass skiing, making snow angels, hiking, washing the car, playing Frisbee, chasing the dog around the yard, or even enjoying great sex. After all, a rose by any other name ...

3. Go Walking

Walking when the weather's nice is a super-easy way to keep fit, says Diane Virginias, a certified nursing assistant from New York. "I enjoy the seasons," she says, adding that even when she's short on time she'll go out for a few minutes. "Even a five minute walk is a five minute walk."
No sidewalks in your neighborhood? Try these tips for slipping in more steps:
  • Trade your power mower for a push version.
  • Park your car at the back of the lot.
  • Get out of the office building and enjoy walking meetings.
  • Sweep the drive or rake the leaves instead of using a leaf-blower.
  • Get off the bus a few stops earlier.
  • Hike the mall, being sure to hit all the levels.
  • Take the stairs every chance you get.
  • Sign up for charity walks.
  • Crank the music and get your heart rate up the next time you mop or vacuum.
It all adds up. If you walk twice a day for 10 minutes and try a few of these tips, you may find yourself with a low-impact, 30-minute workout easily tucked under your belt.

4. Lighten the Foods You Already Love

One of the easiest ways to cut back without feeling denied is to switch to lower-calorie versions of the foods you crave. A pizza tastes just as good with reduced-fat cheese, and when you garnish low-fat ice cream with your favorite toppers, who notices those missing calories?
And while you're trimming fat calories, keep an eye on boosting fiber, suggests registered dietitian Elaine Magee, RD, MPH, author of Tell Me What to Eat If I Suffer From Heart Disease and Food Synergy.
Fiber helps you feel satisfied longer, so while you lighten family favorites, you can easily amp up the fiber by adding a cup of whole wheat flour to your pizza dough, or toss a handful of red bell peppers on the pie.
Don't forget to lighten the drinks going with that meal. Try switching from high-calorie favorites to diet soda or light beer, or maybe add a spritz of seltzer to your wine.
Hate low-cal drinks? Mix your preferred drinks with a splash of the low-cal option, then increase the ratio as your taste buds adjust. And don't forget to keep pouring that ultimate beverage, says Magee: water!

5. Because Hydration Helps -- Really!

Down some water before a meal and you won't feel so famished, says David Anthony, an information technology consultant from Atlanta. "Drinking a glass of water before a meal helps me watch what I eat. … I don't just hog everything, since I'm not so hungry."
Magee, who also writes the "Healthy Recipe Doctor" blog for WebMD, adds that for the compulsive snacker it's a great idea to keep no-calorie beverages at hand "as a way to keep your mouth busy and less likely to snack on junk food."
Going to a party? Grab a low-cal drink in one hand and keep it there. Not only does it make it harder to graze the buffet, but you'll also be less tempted to sip endless cocktails, too.
Finally, keeping your body refreshed with plenty of water may also help your workout, says Anthony. Staying hydrated means "I can exercise more, and longer, than if I don't drink water."

6. Share and Share Alike

With the massive meals served at so many American restaurants, it's easy to go Dutch -- with the dinner plate.
"When we go out, I often share a meal with my wife," Anthony tells WebMD. "We've been known to split a dessert, even a pint of beer. That way, we don't feel stuffed, and we save some money."
You can share more than just a meal out. Why not double up on a bicycle built for two? Go halves on the cost of a personal trainer? Maybe split a gym membership?
"When you're trying to eat better or get more exercise, you can be more successful if you do it with a partner or group," says Grotto. "The community, the partnership, whether online or in person, it really helps."
Twice the motivation, without twice the effort -- a steal of a deal.

7. Tune In, Tone Up

The American Heart Association knows what we love: television. And they also know we need to get more exercise. So why not combine the two, they ask?
Try dancing to the music when you tune into your favorite music show, or practice some stress-relieving cardio boxing when your least favorite reality contestant is on camera.
During commercials pedal your stationery bike, walk the treadmill, or slip in a little strength training doing bicep curls with cans of your favorite fizzy beverage as weights. Or get inspired to really focus: Put in a high-energy exercise DVD and get motivated by the pros onscreen.
It doesn't matter exactly what you do, so long as you're up and active. Aim for at least 15 minutes, says the AHA. But who knows? If you get really engrossed, you just might outlast the last survivor.

8. Size Matters

Eating less without feeling denied is as close as your dinnerware.
That's because while a small portion served on a large plate can leave you craving more, a smaller plate gives the visual signal that you already have more.
"People go by physical cues," when they eat, Grotto tells WebMD. We know we've had enough because we see the bottom of our bowl or plate. "A smaller plate full of food just feels more satisfying than a large plate with that same amount of food on it."
And don't forget smaller bowls, cups, and spoons. For example, try savoring a bowl of ice cream with a baby spoon. Not only does the pleasure last longer, but your body has time to register the food you've eaten.

9. Get Involved, or at Least Get to the Table

When your weight loss efforts lead to boredom or too much self-focus, get occupied with something else. "I eat more if I'm bored," says Virginias, "especially if I'm eating in front of the TV."
So take a break from the siren-call of the tube, and get occupied with things that have nothing to do with food.
For some, that might mean becoming involved with local politics, discovering yoga, or enjoying painting. Or maybe you want to help a child with a science project, repaint the bedroom, or take a class. The key: Have a life outside of weight loss.
Already busy enough? Then at least eat your meals at the table. "The TV is distracting, and I'm just not conscious of eating," Virginias tells WebMD. "Once I'm at the table, with a place setting, I'm much more aware of what I'm eating."

10. Lose It Today, Keep It Off Tomorrow

Finally, be patient. While cultivating that virtue isn't exactly painless, it may help to know that keeping weight off generally gets easier over time.
That's the result of a study published in Obesity Research, where researchers found that for people who had lost at least 30 pounds -- and kept it off for at least two years -- maintaining that weight loss required less effort as time went on.
So if you crave the results reported by successful "losers" like these -- improved self-confidence, a boost in mood, and better health -- cultivate patience. You may find your way to sweet (and nearly painless) weight loss success.

Posted by:  David M. Salse, DC
                  (626) 256-3422

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Therapeutic Massage Now In Monrovia!

Therapeutic Massage Now In Monrovia!   
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Salse Chiropractic has a Great Massage for Every Body. 

Massage therapy relaxes muscles, easing and soothing your aches and pains. It rejuvenates-- restoring balance to our body and being, making us better for all the things life throws our way. Salse Chiropractic believes every body deserves a great customized massage, so we've made relaxation convenient. We offer flexible appointment times to fit the busiest of schedules, and professional Massage Therapists to customize the perfect massage designed to fit your life. Oh, and did we mention the great price? It's what's made us the leading provider of massage therapy in Monrovia And with so many options, a great massage is always within your reach.

Customized Massage Therapy

Salse Chiropractic offers many different types of massage to choose from: Swedish massage for overall body relaxation. Deep tissue massage to loosen those stubborn knots that keep your muscles tied up and tense. Sports massage to stretch marathon runners and weekend warriors alike. Pre-Natal massage for soon-to-be moms, and Reflexology for you new parents who forget to take care of yourselves. Best of all, every massage is customized to your specific needs. Think you don't have time? We're even open when little ones are tucked in for the night, and Make Massage Therapy part of your Wellness Program
Whether you're looking to relieve stress, lower your blood pressure, or you're interested in getting some much needed relaxation, Salse Chiropractic's convenient locations, flexible scheduling, and affordable prices make enjoying a little slice of heaven easy any time you like! Visit once in a while, once a week or once a month--learn more about our wellness benefits program and how you can enjoy a great customized massage as often as you'd like with a Massage membership. 

Monrovia Massage Membership

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With a Massage Membership, you can enjoy the endless therapeutic and stress relieving benefits of massage therapy as often as you'd like.  Ask about our new special offer - purchase four and get the fifth one at no charge.   Making ongoing massage therapy part of your personal wellness plan allows you to be better for everything else you give yourself to. And if everyone around you deserves you at your best, surely you do too.

A Great Massage is Always Within Your Reach
We know finding time to take care of yourself isn't a priority, though we all know it should be. That's why Salse Chiropractic makes it convenient for members to enjoy a little bit of relaxation wherever your busy life takes you. As a member you'll enjoy all the benefits of massage therapy when it's most convenient for you. Mornings or evenings, weekdays or weekends. A Swedish Massage on your lunch break. A Sports Massage after you hike, bike or run. A Deep Tissue massage once the kids are tucked in for the night. Enjoy massage as often as you like, at an affordable membership rate that simply makes it too easy not to. Monrovia Massage Membership Features Include:


  • Our experienced Massage Therapists meet certification requirements so you're always in good hands.
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  • Caring and Friendly Staff are always at the ready to offer you excellent care and exceptional service.


Convenient hours by appointment only, Make Time for You.


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Massage therapy addresses a variety of health conditions, the most prevalent being stress-related tension, which, experts believe, accounts for 80%-90% of disease. Massage has been proven beneficial in treating cancer-related fatigue, sleep disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes, low back pain, immunity suppression, spinal cord injury, autism, post-operative surgery, age-related disorders, infertility, eating disorders, smoking cessation, and depression, to name just a few. Massage has many physiological effects, such as:

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" Better muscular balance throughout the body, resulting in effective support for other healing modalities, such as chiropractic and osteopathic manipulation. 


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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Starting Soon, YOU Can Feel Better and Have Better Posture By Experiencing A Natural Healing Technique First Discovered In Davenport, Iowa In 1895.

Do you want to look and feel better about yourself?  Do you want to stand taller?  Are you starting to develop a hump on your upper back?  Are you starting to look like your mother and getting the same aches and pains she complains about?

If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, this information could be the start to a new, better-looking YOU!

Most of us have a false perception of what we really look like.  The reason is because we simply cannot see ourselves from the side.  I'm sure you've seen what I'm talking about yourselves.  Just look at the person driving next to you.  Or look at the kids in junior high school walking home from school with their back packs.  Even worse, look at the person in the next cubicle at work.  All of them suffer from an epidemic that plagues modern society:  Terrible, old-looking, ugly posture.

It is said that, “Posture is the window to the spine” and that, “An optimal spine equal optimal health.”  Therefore, if poor posture equals a poor spine, then we can assume that a poorly aligned spine equals potentially poor health.  What are the symptoms of poor posture over time?  Stressed, tight overworked muscles with knots or “trigger points”, muscle pain or myofascitis that robs your energy by the end of the day, headaches, neck pain, low back pain, joint pain and eventually….weakness, paresthesia, osteoarthritis.  According to Renee Calliet, M.D., …”faulty posture…is the the major factor in painful and disabling conditions.  Posture…cannot be overemphasized in its clinical significance.”

When you see your primary medical doctor, does he or she ever mention your posture to you?  Of coarse not.  Why?  Because American medical doctors are not trained in body biomechanics and posture correction.  It is clear that one of the most overlooked aspects of healthy living is bad posture. If not fixed, your posture will only continue to get worse over time.  Bad posture will stretch muscles and tendons constantly that are not designed for that purpose. By slouching down and hanging your head, you will end up with muscle imbalances that can cause aches and pain though out your whole body.

Half The Problem To Improving Your Posture Plus Reducing Your Pain Is Just Learning What To Do About It.

Improving your posture is actually quite simple once you know what to do and what not to do. But you could spin your wheels doing the wrong stuff for years while your posture continues to get worse.
You have to counteract what your normal daily activities are doing to your head, neck, and spine. Your posture is likely getting worse every day that you don’t do the right things to change it. I’ve seen the negative effects of bad posture on patient x-rays for years and just couldn’t stand to sit by and do nothing while people were needlessly suffering with pain due to bad posture.
I made a sincere effort to help my patients with their posture in my office. I wanted them to get out of pain, but more importantly, I wanted them to stay out of pain. That was only going to happen if they were able to fix their posture problem.

Is there a large bump at the base of your neck?

A bump at the base of the neck is actually quite natural.  However, when this area becomes larger than normal it can raise a cosmetic concern.  Have you ever seen what Dowager hump looks like?  More often than I like to remember, a patient will walk in with a Dowager hump on her back that she wants fixed.  I have the misfortune of telling her that although we can help her feel more comfortable, its too late to work on fully correcting a large Dowager hump.  I do however tell her to send her children and her grandchildren in so we can do whatever is possible to help prevent the problem in the next generation or two.  If your keeping your hair long to cover a "bump" in the back of your neck, isn’t it time to come in for a free posture-oriented consultation?

Your rounded shoulders are one of the leading causes of upper back pain and shoulder pain.

Why do people round their shoulders?  Some do it to look cool.  Some women do it to hide their breasts.  While others have no idea until it is pointed out to them.  You can't see your back, but a common result of rounded shoulders is weak, flaring wings or scapulae on your back. 

When patients come into my office with shoulder pain, they regularly ask, “How did this happen?” They usually haven’t had any falls or any other known trauma they can think of. Their shoulders just hurt and they’ve noticed that they seem to roll forward.
The daily, repetitive trauma of gravity pulling your shoulders down and out of their ideal position can result in shoulder pain — even a torn rotator cuff! My patients are happy to learn there is a solution and it’s often so simple they are almost angry no one showed them what to do before.
Fixing rounded shoulder syndrome when you perform exercises that counteract all the activities that you are doing during a typical day that are making the shoulders round forward. If you go to the gym and use the “shoulder machine” or do exercises that work the big muscles of the shoulder while ignoring the small, stabilizing muscles for better posture, your posture will not improve — you can’t improve your posture working on these muscles.

Your Activities of Daily Living and (Believe It Or Not) Your Exercise Routine May Contribute To Your Poor Posture.

I don’t want to see you waste your time doing the wrong exercises that may actually make things worse! Learning which exercises to do in what order will make all the difference in your posture improving efforts.
Amature body builders are notorious for this type of posture.  They’re in good shape. They’re not overweight. They have good muscles. But they still hunch over.  These are the guys that have big chests and rounded shoulders, but their legs are not proportional to their upper body.  My trainer calls them "Chicken Legs".

I’ve learned that unfocused exercising won’t work. Doing specific exercises to target specific muscles — your postural support muscles — is what makes all the difference.

I Finally Decided To Reach Out To The Public To Offer The Same Techniques I Had Used For Years To Help Of Over 20,000 Patients.

I recently had an eleven-year old patient and his parents thank me for helping to correct Luke’s posture. He was an avid gamer, and a drummer.  He had the classic forward head and rounded shoulders I see so much with young adults. To them, it was an incredible change.  Luke’s father mentioned to me I should really let others know how they too can have better posture with the work that I do.    That’s when I decided to let the public know there is hope if they suffer from poor posture.   With the protocol I use and the step-by-step blue-print exercises I prescribe specifically for each individual, many postural imbalances can be helped.

Time out.  Let’s check your posture now.

Remove any loose fitting clothing and look at yourself objectively in front of a long mirror.  For some of you, it may be the first time you have ever really “seen” your posture.  Now take a look at your shoulders.  Do you see one is higher that the other?  Do your shoulders look slumped?  Look at your hips.  Is one of them lower on one side?  Now look at your head.  Does it look like its forward or rotated. If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, you may be suffering from poor posture.  Now ask a friend or family member to look at the same areas you just checked.  More than likely, they will confirm your findings and many times find imbalances you didn’t see.  Especially if you have them look at you from the side.

If you are tired of your poor posture and are ready to make a change? Call my office today.  Haven’t you waited long enough?

Tell my assistant you would like to receive a FREE COMPREHENSIVE POSTURAL ASSESSMENT.  Your assessment will include an evaluation of muscle imbalances, spinal fixations, scoliosis, leg length discrepancy, trigger points, bilateral weight differences and vertebral subluxations.  In addition I will personally show you what stretches and exercises would be most beneficial to get you started on the road to good posture.  There is NO OBLIGATION and it is totally up to you if you would like to take advantage of one of our corrective care programs.  Just the one-on-one training on proper postural stretches and exercises alone is worth your time and it’s completely FREE.

With an offer like this we expect to get flooded with calls.  Appointments will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis.  When you call, ask to speak to Christina.  The number to call is (877) 777-7001.  We are located in Monrovia, California which might seem far to some of you however, patients from as far away as San Francisco come to our office.

In Health,

David M. Salse, D.C.

David Salse, D.C. is a regionally recognized educator and CEO of Salse Chiropractic and United Physicians Health Institute. With over 18 years experience working with and specializing in wellness care, he is recognized by many national and international corporations as  an authority in pain management using TENS technology.   He has personally treated over ten thousand auto accident patients and is experienced with depositions, jury trials, and medical report writing.  Dr. Salse is approved by the California State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (SBCE) as a licensed chiropractor with a specialty in Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA).  Learn more at or or  (626) 256-3422

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to Seek Out the Best Chiropractors in the Los Angeles Area.

Los Angeles Chiropractors: How to Find the Best One for You

If you have back pain, neck pain, headaches or sciatica, finding the best Los Angeles area chiropractors is one of the most important things you can do to get much needed pain relief now. The information revealed in this article help you find the number one chiropractors in Los Angeles and will give you the most important questions you should be asking for your specific situation.
Do you sit at a desk in front of a computer all day?  Do you perform repetitive work activities?  Does one of your shoes wear out faster than the other?  When you look in the mirror do you have one shoulder higher than the other? Do you have chronic muscle pain that you’ve learned to live with?  Have you recently injured yourself?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consult with a board qualified, experienced Los Angeles area chiropractor. Here are a few very important things to keep in mind and ask when looking for a chiropractor.
  • Check your prospective chiropractor out with the State Board of Chiropractic ( to see if the chiropractor you are considering has had any disciplinary action.
  • Do your homework.  A google search  (your city + chiropractor) will reveal patient ratings and reviews of the doctors in your area.
  • The best chiropractors join professional associations such as the ACA, ICA, and the CCA.
  • The insurance trap.  Just because a chiropractor is listed in your company insurance plan book, it doesn’t mean he or she is the best one for you.  Many of the best chiropractors have opted out of HMO insurance plans because of the limited care allowed and the control the insurance companies impose on the doctors.  The best chiropractors are here to help.  Many will offer cost-saving, surprisingly affordable cash plans or they will work with your PPO insurance plan.
  • Chiropractic is not a cure.  It helps the body heal itself.  Be careful of any chiropractor claiming to “heal” medical conditions.
  • Experience counts.  Don’t be afraid to ask your chiropractor how long he or she has been in practice.  Chiropractic manual adjusting is a learned skill.  Generally speaking, more experience means better adjustments.
  • The best chiropractors will train their patients on proper stretches and exercises and will consult with you on supplementation, diet, ergonomics and lifestyle changes.
  • Make sure your chiropractor has no problem referring to other specialists or working with any other doctors you happen to have.
  • Be sure to ask your friends and family for a referral.  The best way to find a top chiropractor is from another satisfied patient.
  • Seek out chiropractors that offer a free consultation.  The best chiropractors will meet with you to discuss your particular problem at no charge.
  • Some patients require very little treatment to help them get better fast.  Others, with chronic pain or acute injury may need more care.  If your chiropractor recommends a treatment plan of four to six weeks, you should start seeing results and significant improvement for non-complex problems within that time frame. A reevaluation should follow to determine if any further care is necessary.
  • Finally, don’t hesitate to get a second opinion.  A good chiropractor will be fine with you seeking a second opinion and may offer names of chiropractors in the area he or she trusts. 
As long as you stick to the guidelines above, finding the best Los Angeles chiropractors should not be a problem.
David Salse, D.C. is a regionally recognized educator and CEO of Salse Chiropractic and United Physicians Health Institute. With over 17 years experience working with and specializing in wellness care, he is recognized by many national and international corporations as  an authority in pain management using TENS technology.   He has personally treated over ten thousand auto accident patients and is experienced with depositions, jury trials, and medical report writing.  Dr. Salse is approved by the California State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (SBCE) as a licensed chiropractor with a specialty in Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA).  Learn more at or (626) 256-3422