Monday, April 19, 2010

Before You Consider Back Surgery READ THIS on Manipulation Under Anesthesia.

Los Angeles, CA - If you are suffering from neck and back pain and pills and chiropractic isn't helping consider a nearly forgotten but highly effective technique called Manipulation Under Anesthesia.  Even if your PPO insurance denies it, now it still may be possible with proper documentation for insurance companies to reconsider it.  To find out if you can be helped, read below: IF YOU have back pain and pills don't help. Consider MUA . Watch then go to for more information.
NBC News affilates and other major media outlets reports on how the Manipulation Under Anesthesia procedure has helped chronic pain patients where other treatments had failed them.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia
For chronic pain sufferers across the United States and Abroad, a simple and painless procedure is offering a level of relief never dreamed possible.

Instead of being sentenced to a life of pain pills and surgeries, doctors are giving them the opportunity to live pain free lives through a procedure known as Manipulation under Anesthesia (MUA).

Manipulation of the spine with the patient sedated is one of the most gentlest and most effective methods of altering chronic conditions. MUA provides manipulation and adjustments of the spine and surrounding tissue in an atmosphere where the patient is more responsive and less apprehensive, therefore eliminating resistance and muscle contracture.

Established and widely recognized in the manual medical arena for more than fifty years, MUA is a viable alternative for patients that do not respond to traditional care or invasive surgical procedures. The MUA procedure continues to gain widespread support and recognition in the medical community and is helping to bring much-needed relief to a greater patient base than ever before.

This is a comprehensive guide to Manipulation Under Anesthesia.(MUA).
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What is Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
Manipulation Under Anesthesia, otherwise known as MUA, is a non-invasive procedure increasingly offered for acute and chronic conditions, including: neck pain, back pain, joint pain, muscle spasm, shortened muscles, fibrous adhesions and long term pain syndromes.

By lightly anesthetising a patient, once painful adjustments and movements are accomplished quickly and pain free helping to greatly improve or even restore range of motion.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia is an alternative for those patients that are not responding to traditional conservative care of other invasive procedures such as surgery.
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What is the History of Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
Manipulation Under Anesthesia is an established and widely recognized procedure that has been part of the manual medical arena for more than fifty years.

The practice of MUA can be traced back to the late 1930's and its popularity has continued to grow in recent years as research has shown that MUA is not only safe, but also highly successful in treating acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions.
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Who would be a Candidate for Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
In general, patients selected for Manipulation Under Anesthesia are those with certain neck, mid-back, low-back or other spinal conditions that have received conservative care for six to eight weeks with limited or no improvement in symptoms or findings.

MUA may also be appropriate for those patients that still experience pain after undergoing various invasive treatments such as surgery.

Common indications for Manipulation Under Anesthesia include neck, middle and lower back pain, chronic muscle pain and inflammation, acute and chronic muscle pain and inflammation, acute and chronic muscle spasm, chronic fibrositis, nerve entrapment, disk pathology including herniated disks, torticollis and failed back surgery.

Not all patients qualify for MUA as certain contraindications prevent some from undergoing the procedure. Consult Dr. Salse or Dr. Wu to determine if you are an MUA candidate.
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What is Manipulation Under Anesthesia Procedure like?
The Manipulation Under Anesthesia procedure involves three consecutive days of treatment. During these three days a patient is treated with spinal manipulative theraphy and MUA stretches.

Since the patient is lightly sedated during the MUA procedure, the usual resistance and pain associated with manipulation is eliminated. Through the use of "conscious sedation," a patient is conscious and responsive, but relaxed, allowing the physician to administer adjustments similar to those received during regular chiropractic visits but more effectively.

After the procedure, treatment continues as strengthening and stabilization programs are initiated over the next few weeks. Post-Procedure care is a vital part of the MUA procedure. Follow-up visits with a Chiropractic Physicians are important at this time as the stretches accomplished during the MUA procedure are built upon, helping the patient to regain strength and prevent future pain and discomfort.
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Where is the Manipulation Under Anesthesia Procedure Performed?
The Manipulation Under Anesthesia procedure is performed at West Coast Surgery Center, an independently owned and operated, state-of-the-art, multi-specialty Ambulatory Surgery Center located in Los Alamitos, CA. Here patients receive the best in comprehensive, personalized care as well as the convenience and privacy of a same day surgical center.
West Coast Surgery Center facilities include fully-equipped, State Licensed and Medicare Certified operating rooms, Board Certified Anesthesiologists, monitored recovery rooms, spacious waiting areas for a patient's family and friends, plenty of onsite parking, handicap accessibility and complimentary patient tramsportation if needed.
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Who Performs the Manipulation Under Anesthesia Procedure?
Those involved during the MUA procedure include the Board Certified Anesthesiologist, an MUA certified D.C. who performs the manipulation and the skilled nursing staff of West Coast Surgical Center.

Only a physician that has been certified in MUA can perform the MUA procedure. At West Coast Surgical Center we take pride our doctors who are not only certified by accredited institutions in MUA, but highly experienced, having helped to relieve the pain of hundreds of patients.
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What are the Effects of Manipulation Under Anesthesia Procedure?

The proposed effects of Manipulation Under Anesthesia therapy include the following:

  • Breaking up scar tissue (adhesions) both in and around the spinal joints, commonly caused by multiple injuries or failed back surgery.
  • A decreasing chronic muscle spasm
  • Overcoming super-sensitivity of injured areas, making the patient unable to cooperate for effective treatment
  • Stretching persistent shortened muscles, ligaments and tendons
  • Relief from pain and radiating symptoms caused by damaged invertebral discs.
Most importantly however, Manipulation Under Anesthesia affords patients immediate relief and noticeable difference in their daily lives post-procedure. These positive results only continue to improve with time and post-MUA therapy.
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My Doctor Says I am a Candidate for MUA...
Patients who have been selected for Manipulation Under Anesthesia Procedure by their doctor typically undergo a medical screening process to determine true MUA candidacy.

This screening process includes a medical history and physical examination and where indicated, CBC blood studies, chest X-Rays, EKG's and other diagnostic tests such as MRI or CT's.

Once a patient is cleared and medical necessity for MUA is determined, a West Coast Surgical Center representative will pre-certify and schedule the procedure dates and times. West Coast Surgical Center will also handle the explanation of all pre and post-operative instructions, answer any questions the patient may have about the procedure and arrange transportation for the patient if necessary. At West Coast Surgical Center, we pride ourselves on working with our patients to make their MUA experience as hassle free, comfortable and successful as possible! 

Dr. Salse has been certified in the MUA procedure since 2003.  He has privileges at the West Coast Surgery Center and The Beverly Hills Surgery Center.  For a free consultation to see if you are a qualified candidate for this procedure call 1-877-777-7001.  More information can be found at  Go to top

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chiropractor Monrovia, CA - Chiropractic Monrovia::Chiropractic Wellness Solutions Chiropractors::See Our New Patient Special

Salse Chiropractic - Chiropractic Salse::Chiropractic Wellness Solutions Chiropractors::

See Our New Patient Special: 

Chiropractic Wellness Solutions in Monrovia, CA

Dr. David Salse, DC and the "Dream Team" of Rockstar Caliber healthcare experts at Salse Chiropractic Center are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness objectives with a holistic approach through Chiropractic, Massage, and Acupuncture.

As a holistic chiropractor with over seventeen years of experience, Dr. Salse understands how important it is to listen to the clues given by the body (which most people know as pain) when experiencing a health challenge. Instead of basing treatments off of patient symptoms, Dr. Salse seeks to help the body heal on its own by locating the specific organ or system of the body that is weak or stressed.

For instance, chiropractic care may be able to help you if you're suffering from any of the following condition...

- Tension Headaches

- Lower-back pain

- Neck pain

- Numbness and tingling

- Constant fatigue: lack of energy


- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

- Muscle spasms, sprains and strains

- Pinched nerves

- Whiplash

As well as a whole host of other health problems that have not been able to get relief from.

Fortunately, if you're suffering from any of these problems or similar afflictions right now, they may be relieved or eliminated by proper chiropractic treatment (commonly called "adjustments").

Dr. Salse uniquely combines the latest holistic approach and current technology for injury rehabilitation, biomechanical improvements, organ support, pain elimination, and disease prevention. Our goal is to utilize your body's inner healing capabilities by using a natural holistic approach.

Thank you very much for reading this and I look forward to meeting you so you can start living a healthier, more productive life. God Bless.


David M. Salse, D.C.

Salse Chiropractic Center, 116 W. Foothill Blvd, Monrovia, CA  91016• (626) 256-3422

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