Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Does Your MD Believe In Chiropractic?

When patients come to my office some of them say, "I saw my doctor and he said I shouldn't get chiropractic care." Even after all these years, hearing comments like that frustrate me. There is still a lot of ignorance in the medical profession with respect to chiropractic care. Frankly, a lot of the prejudice against my profession has to do with money. If chiropractors can help without the use of drugs and surgery, we are considered "competition" to the medical profession. The truth is, chiropractic is not competing with your doctor at all. Basicially its a natural way of allowing the body to perform at its optimum level by helping to remove intereference from the nervous system.

In my office when its appropriate, we refer to orthopedists, neurologists, pain management, internal medicine, podiatry and other healthcare specialists. I believe physicians should work together with the goal of providing the best care possible for our patients. Be aware of chiropractors who think they are M.D.s or those who use methods not endorsed by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, ACA or CCA. Always get a referral from a satisfied patient before you visit a chiropractor.

The tide of change is slow, but with overwhelming research supporting the benefits of chiropractic, M.D.'s are now working hand in hand with chiropractors. I found this article to be a good summary medicine's current attitude about chiropractic.

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David M. Salse, D.C

Monrovia Chiropractor Chiropractor Monrovia Arcadia Pasadena Duarte, CA