Friday, January 8, 2010

Subluxation: The Silent Killer

WARNING! There is an epidemic in our society. It is not well known and your medical doctor certainly isn’t talking to you about it. Chiropractors call it “The Silent Killer” knowN as vertebral subluxation. Subluxation is nerve interference caused by an injury, poor posture, or poor sleeping pattens. It can be described as a damaged joint irritating and cutting off healthy nerve flow. You can’t see subluxation and only in the later stages do you actually even feel the effects of this disease. Only a trained chiropractor can find and correct vertebral subluxation.

Subluxations are like termites….

Imagine purchasing a beautiful home that you plan on living in for a lifetime. Over time you notice a little saw dust in the corners but you just ignore it. Then one day during a storm your big beautiful home suddenly collapses into a pile of rubble. You find out the reason your home was destroyed wasn’t because of the storm. It was because of an insect no bigger than you fingernail called a termite. A once strong and gorgeous home is destroyed by a covert parasite that slowly destroyed the home’s foundation.

Just like termites slowly and quietly eat away at the foundation of your home, subluxation eats away at your bones and nervous system. It is silent. It is destructive. It is relentless. It can take considerable effort to eradicate, and considerable vigilance to make sure that it doesn’t come back. But most of all, it is the hidden silence that is what makes it such a lurking danger.

Some people come into the office hoping to get a quick “crack”. However, after a careful evaluation many times the problem didn’t start recently, but had been building up slowly an silently over years. It took time for the problem to happen and it takes time to fix it. Sometimes its just too late. The destruction is to advanced. I have the misfortune of telling these patients I am unable to help them. The I ask them to send in their children and grandchildren, so the degeneration that happened to them doesn’t happen to their family.

Just as termites can annihilate a house, subluxation wears down the structure of the spine and allows the tissues to follow suit. So what do you do about termites? You have someone take a look and see what is there behind the walls. And if there are termites there eating away, you get rid of them.

If you would like to know if you have vertebral subluxation and don’t like the analogy of termites slowly eating away at your bones, give our office a call and let them know you would like to schedule a free vertebral subluxation screening. It only takes a few minutes, but the findings could save you decades of poor health. If you do not live in Southern California, do yourself a favor and see a chiropractor in your area.

Dr. David Salse, Chiropractor – January 7, 2009
Old Town Monrovia, CA

For more information and to keep in touch with Dr. Salse, go to:

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