Friday, December 29, 2017

In case you need another reason to snuggle your pup: According to a new study of more than 3.4 million people, owning a dog is linked to a longer life. The research, published in Scientific Reports, is the latest in a growing body of research suggesting that canine companions may be good for human health—especially for people who live alone.
They’re cute, cuddly and never argue with us. Our pets also can help us live healthier lives for a number of reasons, with stress reduction being a major one. Exercise, yoga and meditation help many people de-stress but spending time with our pets is another habit that’s good for the body and soul.
Our animals show us unconditional love and are there for support during good times and bad. They also are the ideal workout companion. With dogs, in particular, you can walk them, run with them or have them retrieve a ball. 
If you have allergies, consider getting fish or a hypoallergenic animal. Watching fish swim in a bowl or aquarium is profoundly relaxing and can lower stress levels. 
Of course, another excellent way to reduce stress is with chiropractic care as it helps to reduce muscle tension and keep your nervous system healthy.
For more information, visit

Saturday, December 23, 2017


You reach for an item on the top shelf of the cupboard and your back wrenches in pain as a muscle goes into spasm. The pain is excruciating and you can barely move. How could something as simple as reaching for a towel produce such pain?
The answer is – it didn’t. Reaching for the towel overextended a muscle that was already strained. This made the muscle stiffen and go into spasm to protect it from any further harm. Muscles can become strained due to repetitive movements or habits, such as poor posture, heavy lifting, swinging a racquet or sitting in front of a computer.
Often, when muscles have been strained for some time, all it takes is one sudden movement (i.e., one stretch for a towel) for an already strained muscle to go into spasm. When this happens, all the muscle fibers contract at the same time. Muscle contraction cuts off blood supply, which creates even more muscle pain, causing the muscle to contract even further. This is an all too common occurrence for some people who lie on the floor in pain for hours because the muscle doesn’t relax with movement.
Help for Your Muscle Spasms
It can take several weeks for a muscle spasm to subside, so try the following to help the healing process.
Apply ice/heat and try massage therapy to assist in pain relief.
Since a lack of magnesium, calcium and water are thought to provoke muscle spasms, increasing your intake of all three may help as well.
Seek chiropractic care.
Chiropractic care helps to alleviate the cause of muscle spasm once it is present as well as helping to prevent it from occurring in the first place! Proper nerve function is essential to proper muscle function, and chiropractic adjustments locate and correct areas of the spine where there is nerve dysfunction. (

Friday, December 22, 2017

What’s Really Causing Your Back Pain?

When back pain happens to you, it’s a far cry from enjoyable. And while no one likes to experience it, the pain itself is actually quite common. In fact, nearly every adult in the world has experienced back pain at some point during his or her life. But in many cases, back pain doesn’t actually begin in your back.
So, where does it start? Take a look at a few options that could be responsible for your back pain.
Hip Misalignment
Back pain
Back pain often begins in other parts of the body.
Do you ever feel like you’re taking uneven steps? Frequently carrying a heavy bag to one side, poor posture, and not wearing supportive shoes can all contribute to hip misalignment leading to low back pain. Misaligned hips often begin as a result of weak back, core or pelvis muscles and uneven shoe wear.
In today’s world, it seems that we’re all guilty of spending at least some amount of time each day looking down at our smart phones or tablets. Unfortunately, too much of this downward tilt can cause pain in your neck from overstretching tissue and muscles, eventually leading to spinal misalignment. Back pain as a result of text-neck is a compensation reaction, with the real issue being the neck.
Teenagers and younger children face the highest risk for suffering from symptoms of text-neck.
Prolonged Sitting
If you spend most of your day behind a desk, you could find yourself sitting for hours on end without much movement. Prolonged sitting compresses the spine and increases stress on the back, legs, arms and even neck. To combat back pain caused by long periods of sitting, set an alarm to remind yourself to get up and move every hour. Choosing an ergonomic chair, keyboard, and mouse pad for your work space can also benefit your health.
Chiropractic may not be appropriate for you, but given it’s effectiveness, isn’t it worth at least a chance to find out?


‘Tis the season…for stress!
While thinking of others as the holiday’s approach might be your top priority, it’s also important to consider your own physical and mental health. Here are a few ways to manage stress brought on by the holidays.
1. Exercise. Sometimes, the holiday season can throw us off of our usual schedule. Do your best to maintain your regular fitness routine.
2. Watch what you’re eating. While most of us love holiday food, it’s important that we don’t over-indulge. Choose options high in Vitamin C to keep your immune system thriving.
3. Take a breather. There’s nothing wrong with taking a “time out” from a gathering when you need it.
4. Visit our practice. Having an adjustment can keep physical and mental exhaustion at bay.  When you stop by ask about our popular wellness plans.  Hundreds of our patients are making chiropractic part of their lifestyles.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Rita's Pain And Posture Improved With Chiropractic

The secret to Rita's successful recovery was her commitment to her treatment plan.  Sciatica and lower back pain (lumbalgia) from a disc herniation are serious conditions.  Rita chose our country's number one alternative to drugs, shots and surgery...chiropractic.  She also did her research and chose a chiropractor with twenty-five years of experience.
Perhaps you or someone you know has been suffering from neck and back pain or has suffered a recent injury from a car accident, sports, or work injury and needs help.  Maybe you need help correcting your posture or you could use a soothing, stress-relieving massage from one of our certified therapists.  Call our office and schedule a free consultation or go to our Facebook page for our special limited-time special offer that includes your first adjustment.  Chiropractic isn't for everyone, but isn't worth a chance to find out if it's right for you?

Salse Chiropractic Center
694 W. Foothill Blvd.
Monrovia, CA 91016

(626) 256-3422