Do you want to look and feel better about yourself? Do you want to stand taller? Are you starting to develop a hump on your upper back? Are you starting to look like your mother and getting the same aches and pains she complains about?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, this information could be the start to a new, better-looking YOU!
Most of us have a false perception of what we really look like. The reason is because we simply cannot see ourselves from the side. I'm sure you've seen what I'm talking about yourselves. Just look at the person driving next to you. Or look at the kids in junior high school walking home from school with their back packs. Even worse, look at the person in the next cubicle at work. All of them suffer from an epidemic that plagues modern society: Terrible, old-looking, ugly posture.
It is said that, “Posture is the window to the spine” and that, “An optimal spine equal optimal health.” Therefore, if poor posture equals a poor spine, then we can assume that a poorly aligned spine equals potentially poor health. What are the symptoms of poor posture over time? Stressed, tight overworked muscles with knots or “trigger points”, muscle pain or myofascitis that robs your energy by the end of the day, headaches, neck pain, low back pain, joint pain and eventually….weakness, paresthesia, osteoarthritis. According to Renee Calliet, M.D., …”faulty posture…is the the major factor in painful and disabling conditions. Posture…cannot be overemphasized in its clinical significance.”
When you see your primary medical doctor, does he or she ever mention your posture to you? Of coarse not. Why? Because American medical doctors are not trained in body biomechanics and posture correction. It is clear that one of the most overlooked aspects of healthy living is bad posture. If not fixed, your posture will only continue to get worse over time. Bad posture will stretch muscles and tendons constantly that are not designed for that purpose. By slouching down and hanging your head, you will end up with muscle imbalances that can cause aches and pain though out your whole body.
Half The Problem To Improving Your Posture Plus Reducing Your Pain Is Just Learning What To Do About It.
Improving your posture is actually quite simple once you know what to do and what not to do. But you could spin your wheels doing the wrong stuff for years while your posture continues to get worse.You have to counteract what your normal daily activities are doing to your head, neck, and spine. Your posture is likely getting worse every day that you don’t do the right things to change it. I’ve seen the negative effects of bad posture on patient x-rays for years and just couldn’t stand to sit by and do nothing while people were needlessly suffering with pain due to bad posture.
I made a sincere effort to help my patients with their posture in my office. I wanted them to get out of pain, but more importantly, I wanted them to stay out of pain. That was only going to happen if they were able to fix their posture problem.
Is there a large bump at the base of your neck?
A bump at the base of the neck is actually quite natural. However, when this area becomes larger than normal it can raise a cosmetic concern. Have you ever seen what Dowager hump looks like? More often than I like to remember, a patient will walk in with a Dowager hump on her back that she wants fixed. I have the misfortune of telling her that although we can help her feel more comfortable, its too late to work on fully correcting a large Dowager hump. I do however tell her to send her children and her grandchildren in so we can do whatever is possible to help prevent the problem in the next generation or two. If your keeping your hair long to cover a "bump" in the back of your neck, isn’t it time to come in for a free posture-oriented consultation?
Your rounded shoulders are one of the leading causes of upper back pain and shoulder pain.
Why do people round their shoulders? Some do it to look cool. Some women do it to hide their breasts. While others have no idea until it is pointed out to them. You can't see your back, but a common result of rounded shoulders is weak, flaring wings or scapulae on your back.
The daily, repetitive trauma of gravity pulling your shoulders down and out of their ideal position can result in shoulder pain — even a torn rotator cuff! My patients are happy to learn there is a solution and it’s often so simple they are almost angry no one showed them what to do before.
Fixing rounded shoulder syndrome when you perform exercises that counteract all the activities that you are doing during a typical day that are making the shoulders round forward. If you go to the gym and use the “shoulder machine” or do exercises that work the big muscles of the shoulder while ignoring the small, stabilizing muscles for better posture, your posture will not improve — you can’t improve your posture working on these muscles.
Your Activities of Daily Living and (Believe It Or Not) Your Exercise Routine May Contribute To Your Poor Posture.
I don’t want to see you waste your time doing the wrong exercises that may actually make things worse! Learning which exercises to do in what order will make all the difference in your posture improving efforts.
Amature body builders are notorious for this type of posture. They’re in good shape. They’re not overweight. They have good muscles. But they still hunch over. These are the guys that have big chests and rounded shoulders, but their legs are not proportional to their upper body. My trainer calls them "Chicken Legs".
I’ve learned that unfocused exercising won’t work. Doing specific exercises to target specific muscles — your postural support muscles — is what makes all the difference.
I Finally Decided To Reach Out To The Public To Offer The Same Techniques I Had Used For Years To Help Of Over 20,000 Patients.
I recently had an eleven-year old patient and his parents thank me for helping to correct Luke’s posture. He was an avid gamer, and a drummer. He had the classic forward head and rounded shoulders I see so much with young adults. To them, it was an incredible change. Luke’s father mentioned to me I should really let others know how they too can have better posture with the work that I do. That’s when I decided to let the public know there is hope if they suffer from poor posture. With the protocol I use and the step-by-step blue-print exercises I prescribe specifically for each individual, many postural imbalances can be helped.
Time out. Let’s check your posture now.
Remove any loose fitting clothing and look at yourself objectively in front of a long mirror. For some of you, it may be the first time you have ever really “seen” your posture. Now take a look at your shoulders. Do you see one is higher that the other? Do your shoulders look slumped? Look at your hips. Is one of them lower on one side? Now look at your head. Does it look like its forward or rotated. If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, you may be suffering from poor posture. Now ask a friend or family member to look at the same areas you just checked. More than likely, they will confirm your findings and many times find imbalances you didn’t see. Especially if you have them look at you from the side.
If you are tired of your poor posture and are ready to make a change? Call my office today. Haven’t you waited long enough?
Tell my assistant you would like to receive a FREE COMPREHENSIVE POSTURAL ASSESSMENT. Your assessment will include an evaluation of muscle imbalances, spinal fixations, scoliosis, leg length discrepancy, trigger points, bilateral weight differences and vertebral subluxations. In addition I will personally show you what stretches and exercises would be most beneficial to get you started on the road to good posture. There is NO OBLIGATION and it is totally up to you if you would like to take advantage of one of our corrective care programs. Just the one-on-one training on proper postural stretches and exercises alone is worth your time and it’s completely FREE.
With an offer like this we expect to get flooded with calls. Appointments will be scheduled on a first come, first served basis. When you call, ask to speak to Christina. The number to call is (877) 777-7001. We are located in Monrovia, California which might seem far to some of you however, patients from as far away as San Francisco come to our office.
In Health,
David M. Salse, D.C.
David Salse, D.C. is a regionally recognized educator and CEO of Salse Chiropractic and United Physicians Health Institute. With over 18 years experience working with and specializing in wellness care, he is recognized by many national and international corporations as an authority in pain management using TENS technology. He has personally treated over ten thousand auto accident patients and is experienced with depositions, jury trials, and medical report writing. Dr. Salse is approved by the California State Board of Chiropractic Examiners (SBCE) as a licensed chiropractor with a specialty in Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA). Learn more at or or (626) 256-3422